National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Chief Whips and Whips

In line with the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS);

  1. There shall be in the Assembly a Majority Party Chief Whip and Opposition Chief Whip nominated by the SPLM-IG and SPLM-IO respectively and the Whips nominated by other parties to the Agreement from among the parties; members in the Assembly; and
  1. All political parties recognized by the Agreement and represented in the Assembly may nominate their Whips.

Functions of Whips:

The Whips shall inter alia:

  1. Keep members of their parties informed about Assembly Business;
  2. Supply the Speaker with lists of members to serve in various committees of the Assembly;
  3. Cooperate in putting into effect and coordinate agreed Assembly Business;
  4. Assist the Speaker in compiling Assembly representation on missions abroad; and
  5. Work for the cohesiveness of the party members.

Chief Whips

Hon. Rebecca Joshua OkwaciChief WhipSPLM
Hon. Eng. Farouk Gatkuoth KamChief WhipSPLM-IO
Hon. Mahjoub Biel Turuk Chief WhipSSOA
Hon. Isaiah Hakim GarangWhipFormer Detainees
Hon. Joseph Kiju RombekWhipOPP
Hon. Taban Luka GuyaWhipNational Agenda

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