National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Competencies of the National Legislative Assembly

  1. The National Legislature represents the will of the people of South Sudan and
    shall foster unity and nationhood, exercise legislative functions, oversee the
    Executive, and promote the decentralized system of government.
  1. The legislative competences of the National Government shall vest in the
    National Legislature in respect of all matters assigned to it in Schedules A, C and D read together with Schedule E herein.
  1. Without prejudice to the generality of sub-Article (1) above, the National
    Legislature shall be competent to:
    (a) Consider and pass amendments to this Constitution;
    (b) Enact legislation on all matters assigned to it by this Constitution;
    (c) Discuss statements by the President and take decisions as may be
    (d) Authorize annual allocation of resources and revenue, in accordance with
    Article 87 of this Constitution;
    (e) Reconsider a bill which has been rejected by the President under Article 85 (2) herein;
    (f) Impeach the President;
    (g) Approve declaration of war;
    (h) Confirm declaration of a state of emergency or termination thereof; and
    (i) Perform any other function determined by this Constitution or the law.
  2. The National Legislature shall exercise its legislative powers through bills in accordance with this Constitution.

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