National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Functions of the National Legislative Assembly

The National Legislative Assembly shall exercise the following functions:

(a) Oversee the performance of the National Government institutions;
(b) Approve plans, programmes and policies of the National Government;
(c) Approve budgets;
(d) Ratify international treaties, conventions and agreements;
(e) Adopt resolutions on matters of public concern;
(f)  Summon Ministers to answer questions of members of the Assembly on
matters related to their ministries;
(g) Interrogate Ministers about their performance or the performance of their
(h) Approve appointments as required by this Constitution or the law;
(i)  Cast a vote of no confidence against the Vice President and any Minister;
(j)  Enact legislation to regulate the conditions and terms of service of the
Judiciary and its oversight mechanisms; and
(k) Perform any other function as determined by this Constitution or the law.

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