National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Leadership of the Assembly

General Authority and Functions of the Speaker

  • The Speaker is the head of the Assembly and in that capacity shall speak for, and in the name of the Assembly, and shall represent it in and outside South Sudan.
  • The Speaker shall supervise the preparation of the Order of the Day and may give such directives to the Clerk as he/she deems necessary.
  • The Speaker shall preside over sittings of the Assembly, maintain order and decorum in the Assembly and resolve procedural matters in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. The Speaker’s decision on and procedural matter shall be final and shall only be challenged upon a substantive motive.
  • The Speaker shall supervise all administrative matters of the Assembly and the maintenance of security and order within the precincts of the Assembly.
  • The Speaker shall consult with the President prior to any recess or convening of the Assembly.
  • In case of an inevitable absence of both the Speaker and Deputy Speakers, the Speaker shall appoint a Chairperson of a Standing Specialized Committee to preside over the sittings of the House and oversee the business of the Assembly.
  • The Speaker shall appoint the Chairpersons of the Specialized Committees in consultation with the Whips of the parties to the Agreement considering the thirty-five percent (35%) women affirmative action.

Specific functions of the Deputy Speakers

The First Deputy Speaker

The First Deputy Speaker of the Assembly shall carry out the following functions:

    1. Deputize the Speaker in discharge of his/her duties;
    2. on behalf of the Speaker in his/her absence;
    3. Be responsible for or oversee all the parliamentary matters or affairs of the Assembly;
    4. Supervise the work of all the Committees of the Assembly;
    5. The Speaker may, at any time without formal communication to the Assembly, require the First Deputy Speaker to take the chair in any meeting of the Assembly;
    6. Where the First Deputy Speaker occupies the chair in accordance with sub-Regulation (e) above, he/she shall perform duties and exercise the power of the Speaker until the Speaker resumes the chair; and
    7. Execute any functions as the Speaker may assign.

The Second Deputy Speaker

The Second Deputy Speaker shall exercise the following functions:

  1. Deputize the Speaker in discharge of his/her duties;
  2. Act on behalf of the Speaker in the absence of both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker;
  3. Oversee the administration and financial affairs of the Assembly;
  4. The Speaker may, at any time without formal communication to the Assembly in the absence of the First Deputy Speaker, require the Second Deputy Speaker to take the chair in any meeting of the Assembly;
  5. Where the Second Deputy Speaker occupies the chair in accordance with sub-Regulation (d) above, he/she shall perform duties and exercise the power of the Speaker until the Speaker resumes the chair; and
  6. Execute any functions as the Speaker may assign.

The Third Deputy Speaker

The Third Deputy Speaker shall exercise the following functions:

  1. Deputize the Speaker in discharge of his/her duties;
  2. Act on behalf of the Speaker in the absence of both the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and the Second Deputy Speaker;
  3. Oversee the welfare of the Members of the Assembly;
  4. The Speaker may, at any time without formal communication to the Assembly in the absence of the First Deputy Speaker, and the Second Deputy Speaker, require the Third Deputy Speaker to take the chair in any meeting of the Assembly;
  5. Where the Third Deputy Speaker occupies the chair in accordance with sub-Regulation (d) above, he/she shall perform duties and exercise the power of the Speaker until the Speaker resumes the chair; and
  6. Execute any functions as the Speaker may assign.
Rt. Hon. Jemma Nunu KumbaSpeaker of the National Legislative AssemblySPLM
Hon. Oyet Nathaniel PerinoFirst Deputy Speaker for Parliamentary AffairsSPLM-IO
Hon. Parmena Awerial AluongDeputy Speaker for Administration and FinanceSPLM
Hon. Kornelio Kon NguDeputy Speaker for Members WelfareOPP

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