National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Loss of Membership of the National Legislature

Membership of the National Legislative Assembly or the Council of States shall be lost by a resolution passed by the appropriate House in any of the following cases:

(a) Mental infirmity or physical incapacity;
(b) Conviction for an offence involving honesty or moral turpitude;
(c) Adjudged or declared bankrupt by a competent court;
(d) Absence from a number of sittings without permission or acceptable
reasons, as shall be determined by the Conduct of Business Regulations of
each House;
(e) Resignation, in writing, to the appropriate House;
(f)  Change of political affiliation or party on whose ticket he or she was
elected to the National Legislative Assembly;
(g) Assumption of any constitutional office in a state or local government
level; or
(h) death.

Upon vacation of the seat of a member of the National Legislative Assembly or the Council of States his or her seat shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Article 64 herein.

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