National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

MP's Notices, Petitions and Summons


  • A question shall not be asked unless the member asking it has given notice to the Clerk. In case of questions relating to urgent matters or a matter of urgent public importance, the Speaker may allow a question without notice.
  • Notice of a question is given by delivering the question to the Clerk at least forty-eight (48) hours (exclusive of Saturday and Sunday) before the day on which the member proposes to ask the question.
  • The Clerk shall ensure that the notice delivered under sub-Regulation (2) is communicated to the person required to answer the question as soon as practicable and the person asking the question shall be notified of the communication.
  • The Speaker shall decide on the admissibility of questions under these regulations.
  • If the Speaker is of the opinion that a question as framed infringes on any of the rules of admissibility of questions set out hereinafter, the Speaker may direct that it be asked with such alterations as he/she deems acceptable.
  • Whenever the Speaker rejects any question from the floor, his/her decision shall be final.


  • Subject to these Regulations, every application to the Assembly shall be in the form of a petition.
  • A member who is responsible for a petition shall file the same with the Clerk who shall table it before the Assembly Business Committee for allocation of time.
  • Every petition shall be presented by a member, who shall be responsible for the observance of the rules concerning petitions contained in Schedule II to these Regulations, and who shall inform the House that the petition is properly worded.
  • In presenting a petition, a member shall confine himself/herself to a statement of the parties from whom it comes, the number of signatures attached and the requests contained in the petition.
  • Any member may move a motion for the rejection of a petition on the grounds that the petition is not properly or respectfully worded or on any other ground and if the motion is seconded and duly passed, the petition shall stand rejected.
  • All petitions shall be laid on the table without question put and may be referred to a relevant Committee by the Speaker, or on the request of the member presenting it, for consideration and subsequent report.
  • No action taken upon a petition shall prejudice the subsequent reference of the petition to a Select Committee.
  • After consideration of a petition under this regulation, the House may take such decisions it deems fit and communicate its decision to the petitioner through the Office of the Speaker.


  • An order to attend or produce documents before a Committee shall be in the form of summons signed by the Chairperson of the Committee.
  • Summons in sub-Regulation (1) shall state the time and place where the person summoned is required to attend and the gist of the evidence the person is supposed to give or the documents he/she is supposed to produce.

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