National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

NLA Committees

·       Committee on Legislation and Justice
·       Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs
·       Committee on National Security and Public Order
·       Committee on Finance and Economic Planning
·       Committee on Foreign Affairs, and International Corporation
·       Committee on Labor
·       Committee on Public Service, and HRD
·       Committee on Members’ Affairs Ethics and Integrity
·       Committee on Public accounts
·       Committee on Information and Broadcasting
·       Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
·       Committee on Petroleum
·       Committee on Trade and Industry
·       Committee on Agriculture and Food Security
·       Committee on Gender, Child Social Welfare, and Religious Affairs
·       Committee on Youth and Sports
·       Committee on Health and Population
·       Committee on General Education and Instruction
·       Committee on Land and Physical Infrastructure
·       Committee on Peace and Reconciliation
·       Committee on Constituency Development Fund
·       Committee on Water Resources and Irrigation
·       Committee on Federal Affairs
·       Committee on Government Assurances, Monitoring and Evaluation
·       Committee on Regional Integration and East African Community Affairs
·       Committee on Transport
·       Committee on Environment and Forestry
·       Committee on Wildlife Conservation and Tourism
·       Committee on Mining
·       Committee on Livestock and Fisheries
·       Committee on Investment
·       Committee on Culture, Museums and Heritage
·       Committee on Roads and Bridges
·       Committee on Higher Education, Research Science and Technology
·       Committee on Energy and Dams

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