National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Order of the Day

Preparation of the Order of the Day

  • The Speaker, in consultation with the Assembly Business Committee, shall determine the Order of the Day of the House, giving priority to Government Business;
  • The Clerk shall, on instructions of the Speaker, draw up the Order of the Day for each sitting three (3) days in advance; and
  • The Assembly Administration shall provide a pigeon hole for each member.

Preparation of the Order of the Day

Subject to Regulation 32, the Business of each sitting as arranged by the Speaker in consultation with the Assembly Business Committee, shall be set out in the Order Paper for each sitting, and shall, whenever possible, be transacted in the following order:

    1. Opening Prayers;
    2. Administration of Oath;
    3. Election of Speaker and Deputy Speakers;
    4. Announcements from the Speaker;
    5. Address by the President;
    6. Message from the President;
    7. Statement by the First Vice President, Vice President on issues of national importance;
    8. Address by distinguished personalities;
    9. Ceremonial Speeches;
    10. Bills [first reading];
    11. Statements by Ministers;
    12. Personal explanations/brief statements by members on matters not on the Order of the Day, but which are of importance and for which the Speaker has granted permission for presentation;
    13. Presentation of petitions;
    14. Presentation of papers;
    15. Presentation of Committee reports;
    16. Presentation by Ministers and Chairpersons;
    17. Questions to Ministers and Chairpersons;
    18. Motions for the adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance;
    19. Oral notices of motions;
    20. Complaints on contempt of the Assembly; and
    21. Government Business, i.e. motions, Bills at second and subsequent readings, proceedings on the Committee of the Whole House, arranged by the Clerk in order of precedence.

Order of the Day to be sent to members in advance

  • The Clerk shall send to each member a copy of the Order Paper for each sitting three (3) days in advance before the sitting.
  • Subject to sub-Regulation (1), the Clerk shall send to each member a copy of the Order of the Day containing business arranged for the succeeding week. Should any item on the Order Paper require perusal of a document, such document shall also be availed to each member at the time of distribution of the Order Paper.
  • The Clerk shall keep a book referred to as the Order Book in which he/she shall enter and number in succession all matters intended for discussion in each sitting.
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