National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Presidential Address

  1. There shall be a chair of state when the President is in the Chamber.
  2. The House shall be called to order and stand in silence whenever the President enters or leaves the Chamber.
  3. While the House Stands in silence, the national anthem shall be played.
  4. The President while coming to occupy the chair of state:
    • May be accompanied to the Chamber by an Aide-de-Camp;
    • Shall then be introduced by the Speaker to address the House;
    • During the Presidential Address, which shall be heard in silence, no questions or comments shall be raised thereafter; and
    • Shall not otherwise participate in the proceedings of the House.
  1. The Speaker may allocate time for the House to debate the President’s Speech and the House may pass resolutions arising from such a debate.
  2. The First Vice President or a Vice President may request to address the Assembly and the Assembly shall provide an opportunity for hearing such address as promptly as possible.

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