National Legislative Assembly
REPUBLIC of South Sudan

Specialized Standing Committees

In addition to their specific functions, Standing Specialized Committees of the Assembly shall carry out the following functions:

  • Discuss and make recommendations on Bills laid before the House, which affect their sectors or which are referred to them;
  • Initiate any Bill within their respective areas of competence;
  • Assess and evaluate activities and performance of the Executive and other Government bodies;
  • Summon any person in South Sudan other than the President to appear before it;
  • Carry out relevant research in their respective fields; and
  • Report to the House on their activities at least once a session.
Hon. Dr. James Mabor GatkuothChairperson, Committee on Legislation and Justice
Hon. Rev. Michael Ayuen JohnsonChairperson, Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs
Hon. Simon Kun PuochChairperson Committee on National Security and Public Order
Hon. Changkuoth Bichiock RethChairperson, Committee on Finance and Economic Planning
Hon. Joseph Malwal DongChairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs, & International Corporation
Hon. Ann Lino AbyeiChairperson Committee on Labour
Hon. Justin Joseph MaronaChairperson, Committee on Public Service, and HRD
Hon. Michael Ruot KoryomChairperson, Committee on Members’ Affairs Ethics and Integrity
Hon. Wiu Kun KuiyangChairperson Committee on Public accounts
Hon. John Agany DengChairperson, Committee on
Information and Broadcasting
Hon. Akuar Gamar UjiethChairperson Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Hon. James Lual Deng KuelChairperson Committee on Petroleum
Hon. Wilson Lodiog Sebit Chairperson Committee on Trade and Industry
Hon. Augustino Mathok ThucChairperson, Committee on Agriculture and Food Security
Hon. Lily Kiden EluzaiChairperson, Committee on Gender, Child Social Welfare, and Religious Affairs
Hon. Gai Mayen LukeChairperson, Committee on Youth and Sports
Hon. Abuk Payiti AyikChairperson, Committee on Health and Population
Hon. Sandra Bona MalualChairperson, Committee on General Education & Instruction
Hon. Jackline Benjamin LadoChairperson, Committee on Land and Physical Infrastructure
Hon. Dr. Stanslouis WaniChairperson Committee on Peace and Reconciliation
Hon. Peter Lomude FrancisChairperson, Committee on Constituency Development Fund
Hon. Bonguot Amum OkiechChairperson Committee on Water Resources and Irrigation
Hon. Malek Cook DwachChairperson, Committee on
Federal Affairs
Hon. James Reat GonyChairperson, Committee on Govt Assurances, Monitoring and Evaluation
Hon. Eche Likai Barri WanjiChairperson Committee on Regional Integration and East African Community Affairs
Hon. Gloria Philemon BaimeChairperson, Committee on Transport
Hon. Hellen Ngaidok LukurinyangChairperson, Committee on Environment and Forestry
Hon. Yor Achien Angok Chairperson, Committee on Wildlife Conservation and Tourism
Hon. Ramadan Hassen LakoChairperson, Committee on Mining
Hon. Nhial Bol AkenChairperson, Committee on Livestock and Fisheries
Hon. Morad Miseka DrouniaChairperson, Committee on
Hon. Regina Akuel Bol Chairperson Committee on Culture, Museums and Heritage
Hon. Beatrice Aber SamsonChairperson Committee on Roads and Bridges
Hon. Zacharia Matur MakuerChairperson, Committee on Higher Education, Research Science and Technology
Hon. Nyadictor Babiny MonytuilChairperson Committee on Energy and Dams

Deputy Chairpersons of Specialized Standing Committees

Hon. George Andrea JumaD/Chairperson, Committee on Legislation and Justice
Hon. Angelo Lokinga LotaboD/Chairperson, Committee on Defense and Veterans Affairs
Hon. Samuel Buhori LottiD/Chairperson Committee on National Security and Public Order
Hon. Mary Jervas YakD/Chairperson, Committee on Finance and Economic Planning
Hon. Rebecca Atuet Makuei D/Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs, & International Corporation
Hon. Angelina Samuel NyaweloD/Chairperson, Committee on Labour
Hon. Majok Dau CholekD/Chairperson, Committee on Public Service, and HRD
Hon. Alier Samuel AtenyD/Chairperson, Committee on Members’ Affairs Ethics and Integrity
Hon. Martin Odwar LonubaD/Chairperson Committee on Public accounts
Hon. Natilina Amijima MalekD/Chairperson, Committee on
Hon. Regina Garang YuotD/Chairperson Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Hon. James Rab GollongD/Chairperson Committee on Petroleum
Hon. Paul Baba EzibonD/Chairperson Committee on Trade and Industry
Hon. Albino Akol AtakD/Chairperson, Committee on Agriculture and Food Security
Hon. Ishag Elias IbrahimD/Chairperson, Committee on Gender, Child Social Welfare, and Religious Affairs
Hon. Nyayang Lok RiekD/Chairperson, Committee on Youth and Sports
Hon. Edward DominicD/Chairperson, Committee on Health and Population
Hon. Rose Adau DengD/Chairperson, Committee on General Education & Instruction
Hon. Akuot Deng KawachD/Chairperson, Committee on Land and Physical Infrastructure
Hon. Hon. Jacob Dau Kuol D/Chairperson Committee on Peace and Reconciliation
Hon. Fadwa Chuie DengD/Chairperson, Committee on Constituency Development Fund
Hon. Johnson Olam NyikwecD/Chairperson Committee on Water Resources and Irrigation
Hon. Pascalina Philip WadinD/Chairperson, Committee on Federal Affairs
Hon. Matata Frank ElikanaD/Chairperson, Committee on Govt Assurances, Monitoring and Evaluation
Hon. David William TutD/Chairperson Committee on Regional Integration and East Africa Affairs
Hon. Monyluak Gudi AyomD/Chairperson, Committee on Transport
Hon. Nyaboth RambangD/Chairperson, Committee on Environment and Forestry
Hon. Tangun Lado RombeD/Chairperson, Committee on Wildlife Conservation and Tourism
Hon. Badit Dak WieD/Chairperson, Committee on Mining
Hon. Asha Abbas AkueiD/Chairperson, Committee on Livestock and Fisheries
Hon. Tereza Gabriel GatkuothD/Chairperson, Committee on Investment
Hon. Georgette Laat MadingD/Chairperson Committee on Culture, Museum and Heritage
Hon. Daud Juma AskoD/Chairperson Committee on Roads and Bridges
Hon. Ambrose Lomin PitiaD/Chairperson, Committee on Higher Education Research Science and Technology
Hon. Abuk Malual AkeenD/Chairperson Committee on Energy and Dams

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